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Sample Web Counters - Small

If you're looking for original styles of hit counters, you've come to the right place. We have the widest selection of web counter styles to choose from. On the page we list the styles from the Small category. Go to the bottom of the page to check out all the other categories of web counters.

Invisible - Private Stats Only
Invisible - Private Stats Only

Micro A
Micro A

Micro A - B
Micro A - B

Micro A - Blue
Micro A - Blue

Micro A - Blue B
Micro A - Blue B

Micro A - Red
Micro A - Red

Micro A - Red B
Micro A - Red B

Micro B
Micro B

Micro C
Micro C

Micro D
Micro D

Micro E
Micro E

Micro F
Micro F

Micro G
Micro G

Small Outline A
Small Outline A

Small Outline B
Small Outline B

Small Outline C
Small Outline C

Small Outline D
Small Outline D

Small Outline E
Small Outline E

Small Outline F
Small Outline F

Small Outline G
Small Outline G

Small Outline H
Small Outline H

Small Outline I
Small Outline I

Tiny A
Tiny A

Tiny A - B
Tiny A - B

Tiny A - Blue
Tiny A - Blue

Tiny A - Blue B
Tiny A - Blue B

Tiny A - Red
Tiny A - Red

Tiny A - Red B
Tiny A - Red B

Tiny B
Tiny B

Tiny C
Tiny C

Tiny D
Tiny D

Tiny E
Tiny E

Tiny F
Tiny F

Tiny G
Tiny G

Tiny H
Tiny H

Tiny H
Tiny H

Tiny I
Tiny I

Tiny J
Tiny J

Small A
Small A

Small A - B
Small A - B

Small A - Blue
Small A - Blue

Small A - Blue B
Small A - Blue B

Small A - Red
Small A - Red

Small A - Red B
Small A - Red B

Small A - Red C
Small A - Red C

Small B
Small B

Small C
Small C

Small D
Small D

Small E
Small E

Small F
Small F

Small G
Small G

Small H
Small H

Small I
Small I

Small J
Small J

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We have tons more styles to choose from. The counters are divided into 20 categories, which you can browse below.

Other Web Counter Style Categories:

Animals and Pets
Any Color
Any Size
Flags and Politics
Holidays and Seasons
Jobs and Hobbies
Kids and Fun
Popular Styles
Weird and Wacky
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